• Windrider Student Film Festival
  • Windrider Bay Area
  • “Science Mike” McHargue
  • The Liturgists
  • Reel Spirituality
The New Copernicans

A Series by The Windrider Institute

The New Copernicans are modern explorers. Many are Millennials, but other generations are part of this journey as well. They don’t view life in traditional binaries of sacred vs secular or left vs right. They don’t place all their life experiences into clean categories or systems. Instead, they embrace a life lived off the edge of the map. This series is about how this worldview came to be, and what it means for human society.


February 2, 2023

This English course will teach you how to utilize professional digital editing tools while studying acting, scriptwriting, modern film, and production. Discover the film business by getting to know all the intriguing visitors the school invited, and by touring renowned film studios and locations. You may practice speaking English by studying with English tutors online.Before the main course, you can talk about your areas of interest and work on your English speaking...MORE